Foundry - Electric Oven.JPG

electric furnace

Our factory employs the latest electric furnace to heat metal with high efficiency and consistency. Myriad temperature sensors ensure that metal mixture is uniform and will perform well beyond specifications. 

Foundry Workshop - Mixing and Injection.JPG

sandbox injection

We automate our production line with sand mixers and injectors that fills the casting die with raisin mixed compound before sending the dies onto the casting line. 

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Hot, molten metal is poured into the die automatically in consistent speed. The dies were then sent to heat belt and room for the metal to take shape. High casting speeds ensure the efficiency of whole process, for both cost control and capacity management.

Foundry - Casting Line.JPG

ROugh Casting

Dies travel on tracks for rough cut prepared for final precise machining. Casting were tested randomly to ensure material consistency and ready for precise machining by CNC machines.